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The simple act of movement

Updated: Nov 11, 2022

Here at Define Better, we are always looking at how to improve our product design. But also ourselves as we know the benefit this can have our the work we produce. This is great. I am glad we are all not lazy and sit around on the sofa all day, however, it can be relentless sometimes, when *sometimes* all we want to do is sit around on the sofa instead of working on product designs. We can't pick up a design and not criticise it and find ways to improve it. Similarly, we are not always satisfied with a run or cycle we have just been on. Sometimes we wish we went further and faster.

However, we realise the importance of the simple act of movement within design and more so, exercise, endurance and strength training. I read the other day that even if we are doing 30 minutes of physical exercise a few times a week, we can still be defined as sedentary if we are sitting around at a desk all day with little movement. This shocked me as I could probably sit in that bracket as a lot of my work is desk based so this gave me the kick up the proverbial to ensure I don't fit into the above bracket.

We use the simple act of movement as a tool for creativity, problem-solving and productivity for our product designs. We don't feel bad if we take slightly longer than a standard lunch break for our run because we know the outcome will generally be a better afternoon where we feel better and therefore achieve more positive solutions to designs we're working on.

Making a plan for your day, but also your exercise routine is key and gives you the motivation to stick to it. We have been involved with endurance sports for around 15 years, but only recently some of us have started to pay for running coaches to provide us with a plan to take us to 2 big goals we have for next summer. We thought we knew everything. We didn't. Things move on and thing change. Sometimes it's good to refresh and start again. This is also appropriate with the discipline of product design.

We are yet to see the full potential and outcomes from our coaches. But just the simple act of realising you need to move more is a start. If it enables us to get out more, move more, and more often then it's a win. Because we know we will be producing better work for clients, procrastinating less and generally feeling better about myself and life, which again will show through the product design work we produce.

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